Biblical Principles for Young Children
In the cornerstone years from infancy to kindergarten, we can apply the biblical foundations of human sexuality that we developed in the last chapter to begin to shape the sexual character of our children. Scripture starts to unfold its understanding of sexuality from the very beginning, with Creation. In these cornerstone years, we focus on themes based on a creational understanding of our sexuality; namely, we
- establish that our children are loved beyond measure by their parents and by God, their heavenly Father;
- teach them that God intended the family to be the primary arena for the experience of lifelong loyalty and devotion, and of love and unity;
- develop their trust in God’s law as reliable and good;
- convince them that their physical bodies, their sexual natures, and their capacity for sexual pleasure are all good and are blessings from God.
Some content taken from HOW AND WHEN TO TELL YOUR KIDS ABOUT SEX, by Stan and Brenna Jones. Copyright © 1993, 2007, 2019. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. To purchase books in the GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX book series, go to