Our parents’ resource manual, How and When to Tell Your Kids About Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child’s Sexual Character, offers a comprehensive understanding of what parents can do to shape their children’s sexual character. We don’t avoid the hardest subjects, such as sexual abuse or homosexuality. Our goals are to: help you understand your role in shaping your children’s views, attitudes, and beliefs about sexuality; establish God’s view of sexuality; discuss how to explain and defend … [more]
Our Books
Facing the Facts
Facing the Facts: The Truth About Sex and You builds upon all that has come before in the three previous books but will further prepare your child for puberty. Your child, age eleven to fifteen or sixteen, is now old enough for more detailed information about the changes his or her body is about to go through and about the adult body that is soon to be presented as a gift from God. Your child also needs to be reminded … [more]
What’s the Big Deal?
This book designed for ages eight to eleven or twelve does three things. First, it reinforces the messages of our first two children’s books: the basics of sexual intercourse and the fundamental goodness of our sexuality. Second, it continues the task of deliberately building your child’s understanding of why God intends sexual intercourse to be reserved for marriage. Third, it will help you begin the process of “inoculating” your child against the negative moral messages of the world. In How and … [more]
Before I Was Born
Before I Was Born, by Carolyn Nystrom, is designed for ages five to eight. It again emphasizes the creational goodness of our bodies, our existence as men and women, and our sexual organs. This book introduces new topics as well, including the growth and change as boys and girls become men and women and a tactful but direct explanation of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife. If you are reading with an adopted child, use this opportunity to explain … [more]
The Story of Me
Our most important task with the young child ages three to five is to lay a spiritual and relational foundation for the child’s understanding of sexuality. God loves the human body (and the whole human person) and called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Children must see not only their bodies but also their sexual organs as gifts from God. Young children can begin to develop a wondrous appreciation for God’s marvelous gift of sexuality by understanding some of the basics … [more]