Principle 2: Parents Are the Principle Sex Educators
No one will have an impact on your children like you. If you avoid dealing with this topic, your impact will be confusing, frustrating, unsure, and unclear. If you take it on directly, you have the opportunity to have a powerful, clear, healthy, and positive influence on your child.
Sex education is about much more than “sex proofing” children through the teenage years. It is about preparing them to handle God’s gift of sexuality rightly throughout life, preparing them to experience all the fullness of God’s blessing as they date, get engaged, marry, and have children themselves.
Children start learning about sexuality from their earliest moments. They learn about sexuality from watching how their moms and dads treat each other. They soak in the messages of the media, of their peers, of our culture in general. We urge you to start sex education early in the life of your children.
Some content taken from HOW AND WHEN TO TELL YOUR KIDS ABOUT SEX, by Stan and Brenna Jones. Copyright © 1993, 2007, 2019. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. To purchase books in the GOD’S DESIGN FOR SEX book series, go to