Blog Archives For: 2012

University Sex Culture Today

The report in the September 7, 2012, Chronicle of Higher Education (entitled “Sex and College at Yale”) should serve to motive responsible Christian parents to prepare their children for a culture hostile to Christian sexual morality:  In the winter of 2010, during a popular tradition at Yale University known as Sex Week, a representative of a sex-toy company called Babeland gave a talk to an eager audience of more than a thousand Yale undergraduates. Before long, the students, who had … [more]

On the Meaning of Perverse TV Sex

Pornography continues to intrude more and more into the standard fare on TV, and from there into the hearts and minds of many, including many children and teenagers. A recent essay lays out clearly the way the fundamental worldviews are at play in the depictions of sex on TV. “Girls” is a new television series on HBO (that we have never seen). An early episode created a cascade of criticism for a particular sex scene, with those criticisms in turn … [more]

Science and Homosexuality

On Monday, January 16, 2012, my article “Same-Sex Science” documenting the growing acceptance of false beliefs about homosexuality promulgated in the name of science will be officially published in the February issue of the journal First Things (in print and on its website). This article is extracted from a much longer, original version “Sexual Orientation and Reason: Implications of False Beliefs about Homosexuality.” To summarize these articles, I quote first from the introduction of the shortened version published by First … [more]